Discrimination, past experiences and prejudiced attitudes can make people distrustful, anxious, frightened and feeling vulnerable if you identify as LGBTI. This can certainly be the case for those individuals seeking LGBTI Residential Aged Care. Many LGBTI elders will have lived through the decades when homosexuality was illegal and there was very little in the way of support. They may have experienced exclusion, harassment and trauma on account of their sexual orientation and gender identity.
Many in the ageing LGBTI community have also suffered from a lack of support from their own families and so have built support systems with trusted friends, a partner or supportive members of the community.
If you identify as LGBTI, you’re welcome at Homestyle. All individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender, identity, religion, ethnicity or life experiences can access the highest levels of care from our dedicated team. We make every effort to ensure every person is included and feels accepted into our Community. Whether this is keeping them close to their same-sex partner, using the correct pronouns and ensuring people’s gender identity is respected, or anything else we can reasonably do to make them feel at home.
We have worked hard to ensure inclusive and respectful surroundings. Our team encourages a welcoming environment where residents become friends, take part in activities and share memories in a nurturing environment. Our LGBTI friendly Aged Care homes in Melbourne and Geelong focus on the principles of the Aged Care Act and guidelines set by the Australian Government to deliver the best possible level of care. We know that LGBTI elders have unique needs, and whilst they stay with us, we ensure they do not face discrimination or marginalisation, so they can live happy and fulfilling lives and importantly feel at home.
If you would like to know more about taking part in life as a LGBTI resident in any of our Aged Care homes in Melbourne or Geelong please contact us here or call us on 1300 104 663.