Understanding Aged Care Fees and Charges

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Transitioning from independence to permanent Aged Care can be an emotional and stressful process for all involved. Critical lifestyle and financial decisions need to be made in a short space of time.

If you or a loved one are entering Aged Care in Australia, you would know by now that the process is a minefield, to say the least. One of the most complex areas is understanding the fees that have to be paid.

Often when we first seek information, we can feel bombarded with information, which we then have to try to piece together, or on the flip side have received little to none or inadequate information. Both scenarios can make the whole process overwhelming and confusing.

Meeting with a Financial Planner, such as Moneyplan, can assist you to understand how the fees are assessed and provide advice on improving cashflow, redeeming investments, understanding your reporting requirements to Centrelink and dealing with the Aged Care facility on your behalf.

The four Aged Care fee components are as follows:

Which Fees Apply to You?

It is not an easy question.  Some residents may only be charged the basic daily care fee and others will be charged more.  To ensure you are paying the correct fees, we encourage you to seek advice from a financial planner specializing in Residential Aged Care.  This can give you peace of mind that you are making the right decisions and confidence that you will have sufficient funds to pay for Aged Care well into the future.

Homestyle’s preferred Partner Lauren Ainsworth from is MoneyPlan, Industry leaders in financial strategies for residents in Aged Care. Email Lauren at

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