How can I help my elderly parents?


If you’re asking how can I help my elderly parents – you are not alone.  Helping your elderly parents can be somewhat challenging as they understandably want to remain independent and in control of their own lives for as long as possible! They possibility also don’t want to admit that they do need assistance.  They may be less mobile and their physical and mental state may be keeping them from engaging in activities outside their home.  Most importantly you want them to be safe, comfortable and socially connected, so how can you help?

Firstly do they need help financially, personally or socially?  There are support services for each of these.  Break each category down into tasks & responsibilities:


  • Assistance to shower & dress.
  • Medication Management – ensuring the correct medication dosage is taken at the right time.
  • Meal assistance, as well as food shopping. Your Local Council can assist with Meals on Wheels.
  • Domestic help – assistance with cleaning the home and maintenance of the garden.
  • Personal alarms and monitoring, there are many options and companies offering these.


  • Social Visits or assistance getting to and from functions and appointments.
  • Organise an Occupational Therapist to come to the house and make a safety assessment on furniture and if mobility aids are needed such as grab bars, railings etc.
  • Is there a church group or Senior Citizens Club such as Probus they could join?


  • Assistance with preparation of documents, negotiation of services, advocacy or advice on specific aged care issues.
  • Legal – such as documenting a will, power of attorney, medical guardianship as well as financial advice on any entitlements and costs of moving into Aged Care.
elderly care homes near me

Helping your Elderly Parents

Organise an Aged Care Assessment to be done for assessing eligibility for community care, respite and permanent care if required.  Establish whether your loved one is eligible for a care package subsidised by the Government.

You can also check a Government Website that provides information about aged care services and what you need to do to receive them.

You could also consider speaking with an Aged Care Consultant who specialises in the complex journey into Aged Care.  Someone to guide you through the confusing Aged Care maze and support you through this emotional time.  Help@Hand Aged Care Placements offer such a service.

If you would like to organise a tour of one of our Aged Care Homes in Melbourne Victoria, please contact us on 1300 104 663.

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