There are a number of services that can assist the elderly and their families when moving into Aged Care or even just advice on navigating the Aged Care maze & supporting the elderly. The following Services comprise the bigger organisations:
The My Aged Care Website has been established by the Australian Government to give people more choice, more control and easier access to a full range of Aged Care Services. It covers services such as help at home, Respite Care, Aged Care Homes and resources on caring for someone elderly.
Information from the Victorian State Government on healthy aging, including assessment services, programs and services available
Information and links for Aged Care Services in Victoria
COTA (Council on the Aging) is the primary organization representing the interests of older Victorians. It shares news and information as well as events.
ACSA – Aged and Community Services Australia is the voice for non-for-profit aged services providers. It provides valuable resources as well as training, workshops and seminars on Aged & Community Service related topics.
Leading Aged Services Australia – Victoria (LASA Victoria) is the peak body for Aged Care in Victoria and the united voice for providers and other organisations with aged and community care.
There are many other services available for the elderly & private operators available that provide:

- Administrative and support services to families and carers,
- Help with downsizing to Aged Care, preparing and cleaning a property for sale as well as decluttering services.
- Assistance with relocating, social interaction and errands.
- Independent, professional and private organisations that provide placement solutions including dementia specific and respite care.
- Cash Management Services supporting the financial welfare of individuals in Aged care Services.
Just ensure as you would with anything you purchase or any service you use, do your own research and due diligence.
If you would like to organize a tour of one of our Aged Care Homes in Victoria please contact us on 1300 104 663.