Every 4 weeks the men at Clarendon Grange receive an invitation secured to their bathroom mirror. They are invited to attend the men’s barbershop to have a shave, aromatherapy hot towel and a face massage. This is an absolute highlight for many of the men folk at the residence, and they hang around in the waiting room well before their appointment time.
The Men’s Barber Shop Program was initiated by Nicole; a Lifestyle Co-coordinator at Clarendon Grange who felt the men needed more and something exclusively theirs. A men’s Group was already established and running, but Nicole wanted to enhance the social atmosphere. She remembered how much pride her Grandad had when he had a good old-fashioned shave at the barber shop and how it boosted his self esteem and so that translated to the Men’s Barber Shop.
The program has been running just over 12 months now and has quite a following, with nearly all the male residents attending. For one gentleman there, this is the only program he chooses to participate in. It is also a favorite program with some of the dementia residents.
Every month the lounge area is transformed into a makeshift barber shop. Furniture is moved around, a special barbers chair is set up and a waiting area is established. A fake fireplace is bought in and a DVD is put on so the men have something to chat about. This has ranged from footy highlights, musicals to even episodes of the old Don Lane Show! The men never know what treat is in store!
The men are served a morning tea of tea, coffee, hot chocolate and cakes and special biscuits whilst waiting their turn. Visiting pets are allowed in the waiting room to help calm residents and give them a focus whilst waiting.
When their turn comes, men receive a good old-fashioned shave with shaving cream on shaving brushes, followed by an aromatherapy hot towel. Moisturiser is then used with a facial massage – just like in the olden days. Many men use this time to chat about their families or just to talk about memories of visiting the barber in the olden days.
The men leave feeling confident, looking good, their self-esteem lifted and more memories are made in the old barbershop. They look forward to doing it all again next month.
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